
The Issachar Factor: Understanding Trends that Confront Your Church and Designing a Strategy for Success is unavailable, but you can change that!

When the future King David was running from Saul, God sent hundreds of thousands of men to help him. All of the men were chosen for battle for a reason. Some for their fighting ability. Others for their expertise with special weapons. And still others were chosen for their character, courage or loyalty. But perhaps the most important men in the entire army were the 200 “men of Issachar.” They...

What had happened to this once great church? In simple terms, it hadn’t changed with the times. London had changed; people had changed; but the church’s approach to ministry had remained the same. Gradually, people left and fewer people came until the Metropolitan Tabernacle was no longer effective in reaching people for Christ. We live and minister in changing times. The following comments, which pastors have made to us in seminars throughout the United States, illustrate the changing times in which
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